Movement RX

Managing persistent pain

By Damian Cocciolone

3.24 million Australians were living with chronic pain in 2018. 53.8% are women (1.74 million) and 46.2% are men (1.50 million).

68.3% (2.21 million) are of working age.

For the majority (56%) of Australians living with chronic pain, their pain restricts what activities they can undertake (Painaustralia 2019).

www.tamethebeast.org is a website from world renowned pain scientist Professor Lorimer Mosley. The website contains some valuable information and resources for people living with pain. Managing persistent pain needs to be a multifactorial approach, with the help of a health professional who is trained in pain management you can retrain your pain system to be less protective.

The video below explains how our understanding of pain, and how the body produces pain has changed, and how we can better improve the outcomes of sufferers.

If you are living on the Redcliffe peninsula or Moreton Bay region and are suffering with pain, contact us to discuss how we could help you.