Movement RX


By Damian Cocciolone

Recovery is a buzz word in the health and fitness industry, something that was barely talked about 10-15 years ago. But what does it mean? A quick google search and you will see the following definition from the dictionary.

Definition: A return to a normal state of health, mind or strength.

Recovery in the context of health/fitness and sport is to do something to help your body return to a normal state of health following strenuous exercise. There is of course other forms or ‘Recovery’ such as the recovery from injury, surgery or pain. Not to mention mental and emotional recovery from stress, anxiety, depression or addiction. 

So what are the components, or by products of exercise that our bodies should recover from? That is to return to a normal state of health or strength.

They include but not limited to the following:

  • Tight/sore muscles
  • Stiff joints (Spine, knees, hips, ankles)
  • Energy depletion
  • Metabolic waste products in muscles
  • Sore tendons


Why is it important to recover from these very normal components of exercise?

  • To reduce the risk of injury,
  • To be able to perform at a peak level
  • To improve quality of movement in subsequent sessions
  • Feel good whilst you are exercising (nobody likes training in pain).

Two different sub types of recovery:

  1. 1. Active Recovery – Is as it sounds, an active engagement in low intensity exercise or movement. Examples of active recovery can include; Walking, cycling, swimming, low intensity resistance training, yoga, mobility drills.
  2. 2. Passive Recovery – Non-active activities to aid recovery that include; Massage, cryotherapy, pneumatic compression devices (Normatec), icing, stretching, compression garments.

Movement Rx recommends that recovery programs are individualised based on your training history, goals and the exercise stress you are recovering from. In general terms we advise that components of both active and passive recovery are undertaken to enhance recovery. If you are unsure how you should structure a recovery program watch the time-lapse video below of a 30 minute recovery session that incorporates elements of passive and active recovery.

Head over to our Recovery section to learn more about our recovery services or book your session.